a network for Stirnerites

recurring ​paradox

recurring ​paradox

the project

Recurring Paradox is a project that focuses on the work and legacy of Max Stirner. I consider ​his egoist ​anarchist approach to the world, knowledge, history and existence as the only true ​form of resistance ​against the psychological abuse inflicted on individuals under this current ​system which bell hooks ​called "imperialist white supremacist capitalist patriarchy" - a term ​which I feel should be brought ​back to life. Stirner wasn't an advocate. Nor was he a ​revolutionary or resistance fighter. He was an ​individual whose main approach to life was ​unapologetic ownness. While often misunderstood as ​either inherently supportive of ​capitalism because of its focus on individual freedom, or supportive of ​leftism due to its ​rejection of social constructs and oppressive structures of governance and ​knowledge-​production, Stirner's work exists in the fringes and on the sidelines of political and social ​​theory. RECURRING PARADOX wants to study Stirner through a philosophical, ​psychoanalytical, sociopolitical, and anthropological ​lens. I aim to create a network for the ​discussion of social, cultural and psychological ​phenomena through the lens of Stirner's ​egoism.